I have been having technically difficulties with my blog. It's taken great time to post ANY blog. For some reason the "publish post" button is not working for me. I have to "Save Now" then click on the EDIT option on my dashboard, then check the box next to the saved blog draft, and THEN click publish blog.
I am also UNABLE to edit ANY of my blogs.
I am also UNABLE to edit ANY of my blogs.
For this reason it is doubtful that I will continue this blog much longer. I might be transferring these blog posts to a new blog, then start w/new posts once I have gathered my blogs from here, and made sure their transference is smooth, posting is working, etc.
The last blog I posted (baby name-Violet) was a draft from 4 months ago (as you can tell by the question on Y!A i asked about it is 4 months old- I asked that question the DAY I did the BN review of Violet). Due to the problems, I left it as a draft and focused on my personal blog, and personal life.
I don't know when I will start moving my blog, since I am still focused on my personal blog and things going on w/my life at the moment. Hopefully I will have things up and running again before the end of the year. Until then, please enjoy my blog as-is and as always, I am always looking for new names to review, so do not hesitate to contact me through comments or email lady_lilly_96@yahoo.com with suggestions, comments, or if you just want to talk baby names. :) thanks. J.Kristen
For my personal blog visit my page: Jaesus the Blogger
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